Saturday, June 27, 2015

Week closing 27th June 2015, Friday Result


No change in portfolio's candidate.. Next review on 4th July.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The following stocks have been selected for swing trade. Some long and short trades...

The above stocks have been selected and will be reviewed every Friday if the stock should stay or be replaced with another stock. Target to generate USD500K profits in the shortest time.

Stay tune!

USD600K profits using propietary system with sgtrader account, repeating the same stategy with another account sgtrader2....

Above is existing "sgtrader" account in (demo) generating over USD600K.
Below is a new account just created "sgtrader2" to show that the process can be repeated with my proprietary stock trading system.
Trade with a system, you can trade anywhere in the world with the same methodology and get
the same outcome at the end.. Trading needs not to be complicated..